Monday, December 1, 2008

October School Board Meeting - Contract

Pinellas County teachers, pled their opposition of the middle school schedule change at the October 28th school board meeting.

In June, the board voted to add 14 minutes and a seventh period to the middle school schedule.

Adding a seventh class breaks the teachers’ contract, which allowed no more than five teaching periods a day. Under the new schedule, teachers are teaching six periods.

The teachers agreed the intentions were good, and money-saving, but have not proven beneficial to students. The students have more homework because there is less class time, which requires more parent involvement.

Sara Jensen, teacher at Osceola Middle School, surveyed her students. Six of the 134 liked the schedule. One of their reasons was because they get out of the classes they dislike faster.

he board’s legal team has addressed the breach of contract, but did not comment about it at the meeting.

“Be like Thomas Edison. Keep working ‘til you get it right,” pleaded Jensen.

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